These two types differ in many ways, making them fairly complementary.
The Type 2 is intrigued by the Type 5’s intelligence, self-confidence, calm demeanor, and emotional detachment.
Type 5 admires Type 2’s optimism, kindness, goodness, and social ease.
Often, Type 2 initiates the relationship, seeing winning over Type 5’s attention as a challenge, making them even more determined.
Potential Challenges
Type 2 may feel hurt, frustrated, and neglected if Type 5 focuses exclusively on their mental world, ignoring Type 2.
Type 2 needs closeness, while Type 5 needs plenty of personal space. Without finding a balance, this can cause major conflicts.
Under compulsion, Type 2 can become too obsessive in seeking Type 5’s attention, frightening them away.
The "potential challenges" arise in an Enneagram-type couple primarily when they are not in harmony with themselves. With communication, each person's investment in the relationship, and mutual understanding, these challenges can certainly be avoided and resolved.