The Type 5 is attracted to the Type 8’s confidence, power, strength, resourcefulness, honesty, and energy.
Type 8 admires Type 5’s depth, knowledge, ingenuity, loyalty, consistency, insight, and sense of humor.
Type 8 values the confidentiality Type 5 provides, and Type 5 is inspired to act more and think less by Type 8’s influence.
Both enjoy intense intellectual debates, aren’t very sentimental but have a tender side, and are committed to seeking truth.
Neither is comfortable discussing emotional issues. Type 8 can become confrontational, while Type 5 withdraws.
Type 5 may fear Type 8’s anger outbursts, and see Type 8 as intimidating, aggressive, insensitive, and domineering.
Type 8 may see Type 5 as too guarded, secretive, withdrawn, theoretical, dull, and arrogant.
Type 8 may also view Type 5 as overly analytical, detached, and hard to engage in the external world, while Type 5 may see Type 8 as overly aggressive and domineering.
The "potential challenges" arise in an Enneagram-type couple primarily when they are not in harmony with themselves. With communication, each person's investment in the relationship, and mutual understanding, these challenges can certainly be avoided and resolved.