Relationship between type 7 and type 9

The epicurean and the peacemaker

Phoebe Buffay (Friends)
Frodo Baggins (LOTR)


This is a very complementary relationship
7 is attracted to 9’s tolerance, support, generosity, adaptability, stability and listening skills.
9 is attracted to 7’s optimism, fun, energy, enthusiasm and playful and adventurous sides.
9 likes 7 to make the decisions as this avoids him being indecisive. 7 likes that 9 is always keen to go on adventures with him.
Both are open-minded, curious, sociable, sympathetic, idealistic, romantic and sensual.
They dislike conflict, focus on the positive side of things, get along very well and are happy to be together.

Points where to be careful

The fact that both of them run away from conflicts can lead them to neglect important problems in their relationship.
9 can perceive 7 as being too unpredictable, incoherent, opportunistic, impatient and selfish.
7 can perceive 9 as being too indecisive, passive, distracted, lacking initiative, boring and stubborn.
7 can become offensive, critical and degrading when he becomes impatient. This can accentuate 9’s passive-aggressive state as he hates pressure.