The Type 6 finds a trustworthy protector in the Type 8, and Type 8 finds a faithful ally in Type 6, both agreeing on the world’s injustice.
Type 6 admires Type 8’s confidence, strength, protectiveness, assurance, honesty, and loyalty.
Type 8 is attracted to Type 6’s generosity, sensitivity, devotion, affection, and reliability.
Both admire each other’s sense of honor, commitment, responsibility, and trustworthiness.
Type 8 encourages Type 6 to be braver and more determined.
Type 8 values the detailed, constructive advice from Type 6.
They have all it takes for a stable, strong, and lasting relationship.
Potential Challenges
Type 6 may see Type 8 as too authoritarian, aggressive, intimidating, overprotective, confrontational, and excessive.
Type 8 may see Type 6 as too indecisive, irrational, suspicious, and paranoid.
If Type 6 is counterphobic, Type 8 may find them aggressive, rebellious, and confrontational.
Type 8 might dismiss Type 6’s fears, and if too domineering, a counterphobic Type 6 may rebel. A phobic Type 6 may adopt passive-aggressive behavior instead.
The "potential challenges" arise in an Enneagram-type couple primarily when they are not in harmony with themselves. With communication, each person's investment in the relationship, and mutual understanding, these challenges can certainly be avoided and resolved.