Relationship between type 8 and type 9

The leader and the peacemaker

Tommy Shelby (Peaky Blinders)
Jane Bennet (Pride and Prejudice)


This relationship can be very complementary.
8 is attracted to 9’s calmness, stability, tenderness, generosity, tolerance and discretion. 9 is attracted to 8’s energy, self-confidence, leadership and intensity.
9 being there with no pretence, and with affection, appeases 8.
Also, 8 likes to be in control and make decisions, which often suits 9, who has a very indecisive nature, very well.
9s tend to live through their partner by merging with them. Thus, 8’s intensity enables 9 to feel alive.
They are both sensual, with big hearts and like to have a safe and tranquil place to take refuge in.

Points where to be careful

8 can perceive 9 as being too passive, indirect, indecisive, inefficient and opposing.
9 can perceive 8 as being too demanding, domineering, intimidating, conflicting, excessive and uncompromising.
When 9 feels under pressure, he doesn’t respond, becomes evasive and adopts a passive-aggressive attitude. This can make 8 even more furious. And 9 becomes even more icy and resistant.
Also, 8 can equally neglect 9’s opinion when he thinks he is right, which can annoy 9 if he feels ignored.