Relationship between type 1 and type 8

The ethical and the leader

Hermione Granger (Harry Potter)
Tommy Shelby (Peaky Blinders)


These two types have quite a few things in common. They are both rather active, have strong principles, a certain determination and both want to make the world a fairer place.
1 is impressed with 8’s self-confidence, strong passion and ability to let go when he deems that the time is right.
8 admires 1’s integrity, honestly, reliability and strong beliefs.
Both types are quite a character and are more mentally than emotionally inclined, which has a potential for a relationship rich in many stimulating debates, that they enjoy, and less emotional expression, but this is often indirectly felt.

Points where to be careful

8 can sometimes find 1 too closed in on himself, too moral, rigid and get the impression that 1 is trying to hold him back, to limit him, or to slow him down.
1 can sometimes find 8 to be too audacious, aggressive, authoritarian, impulsive, insensitive and less worried about the impact of his decisions on others.
Both types have an autonomous nature but 8 can want more fusion in their relationship, while 1 struggles to give all of himself.