Type 1

The ethical, the perfectionist

Hermione Granger (Harry Potter)
Gandalf (Lord of the Rings)
Mr. Spock (Star Trek)


1s look to live in a perfect world and work hard to make themselves, everyone and everything around them better. They are reasonable and conscientious beings who have good self-control, to the point that they are able to exercise restraint on their own impulses, emotions or desires. Whatever they do, they do it to the best of their ability, based on high levels of professionalism, competence, principle, honesty and integrity. They are disciplined, organized and are often very hard workers. They are passionate about the idea of making the world a better place for everyone and take their work very seriously. They are prepared to give everything to a cause they believe in.

Avoidance compulsion

1s try, often subconsciously, to avoid internal anger at all costs. Being perfectionists directed by morals and ethics, they have a voice inside their head that criticises everything wrong that they do. They try at all costs to avoid mistakes that would put their competence and trust in doubt.

Center of attention and motivation

1s’ attention focuses on the environment, which they look to improve. They pick up on the imperfections and are naturally inspired to rectify them. Thus, they pay a lot of attention to detail and look to maintain very high standards.
1s are motivated by developing the quality of what they do and are always looking to improve. Their actions are based on their norms, morals and principles. They feel the need to live in an honest way and are always pushing to improve themselves, others and everything that surrounds them.

Vice and defense mechanism

When their compulsion takes over (to avoid mistakes), 1s’ ego pushes them to their vice: resentment: to correct all the mistakes they encounter in order to get closer to perfection. They thus have internal anger because to them nothing seems as fair as it should be, and in the same way their defence mechanism: reaction formation, pushes them to suppress this anger with great effort, because to them it is a lack of self control. If they judge their temptations to be the cause of their anguish, they will do the opposite of the latter: if they are tempted to soften their workload, they will work harder. When their compulsion takes over, they can become irritable and critical towards those who do not respect their high moral standard and their need for organisation and structure.

In harmony

When they are in harmony with themselves and manage their compulsion, 1s are conscientious, dedicated to what they do, responsible, honest, trustworthy and helpful.
They are at ease when everything is running in an organised manner and follows the rules. Especially when things move forward faster than expected. Then, they reach out to their integration type (type 7), and the latter’s positive traits are incorporated into their own behaviour. This way, they can become more joyful, fun and spiritual. They become more creative, less conservative and more open to anything new.

In imbalance

In the grips of their compulsion, 1s can become inflexible, irritated, too critical, rigid and suppress their emotions.
If the situation doesn’t sort itself out, they lean towards their disintegration type (type 4) and the negative traits of the latter are incorporated into their own behaviour. In this way, they fold in on themselves, feeling misunderstood, and believe that their efforts go unnoticed. They fall into a sad mood, thinking that they made an effort for nothing.


The neighboring types of type 1 are types 2 and 9. The “wing” is the neighbouring type that seems to have the greatest influence on the base type.
1w9s are more relaxed, natural and objective but can also be more stubborn and detached.
1w2s are warmer, more helpful and empathetic but can also be more manipulative.