Relationship Between Type 3 and Type 9

The Chameleon and the Peacemaker

Jay Gatsby
Jay Gatsby (Type 3)
Jane Bennet
Jane Bennet (Type 9)


The Type 3 is attracted to the Type 9’s tolerance, calmness, good listening skills, openness, and adaptability.
Type 9 admires Type 3’s energy, self-confidence, productivity, and efficiency.
Type 9 helps Type 3 relax and be themselves, not worrying too much about their image.
Type 3 helps Type 9 become more active and motivated to pursue projects.
Both are sociable, dislike conflict, and can form a harmonious relationship.

Potential Challenges

Type 3 may see Type 9 as too indecisive, passive, slow, easily distracted, and stubborn.
Type 9 may find Type 3 too neglectful of the relationship, impatient, and overly concerned with career and image.
Both dislike conflict and may avoid discussing problems, letting issues linger unresolved. Type 3 might escape into work, while Type 9 might withdraw and wait for Type 3’s response.

Resolution of Challenges

The "potential challenges" arise in an Enneagram-type couple primarily when they are not in harmony with themselves. With communication, each person's investment in the relationship, and mutual understanding, these challenges can certainly be avoided and resolved.